
I have a 

for you!

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Hey you!

Let me introduce myself.

Read my story >>

You're in the right place. There's a reason you're here, and I hope I can change your life!

I'm an NASM Certified Personal Trainer who lost 50 lbs. All too often I was seeing, "Try this these foods to lose weight....stay away from these foods so you don't gain weight..." and so on. I was tired of having to give up my favorite things in my life to lose weight so I worked on becoming an online health & fitness coach. I made it my mission to teach women from all around the world what a healthy lifestyle really is. I’m living proof that anyone can make a change in their life without having to give up their life.

Let me introduce myself.

You're in the right place. There's a reason you're here, and I hope I can change your life!

I'm an NASM Certified Personal Trainer who lost 50 lbs. All too often I was seeing, "Try this these foods to lose weight....stay away from these foods so you don't gain weight..." and so on. I was tired of having to give up my favorite things in my life to lose weight so I worked on becoming an online health & fitness coach. I made it my mission to teach women from all around the world what a healthy lifestyle really is. I’m living proof that anyone can make a change in their life without having to give up my life.

Hey you!

"I haven't been in this good of shape, ever! Not even before I had my 3 kids in my 20s. I never stepped foot in a gym. I did this while staying at home. Since I starting putting myself first, I have become a better mom to my kids. Hiring Christina as my Health Coach was the best decision I ever made!"

Check out more client testimonials

What others have said...

Meet Nicole

"I used to think I had to diet and run miles a week to lose weight. I now eat more food than I have ever eaten, and I've already lost 10 lbs. Changing my relationship with food was the best things I could have done for myself & I'm so thankful Christina was there to guide me."

Meet Catherine

What others have said...

Check out more client testimonials

This is for you if you want the most amount of support from me!

If you're someone who has tried all the diets & nothing sticks, you lost weight & gained it back, you want to learn HEALTHY  habits where you can balance out your life while still reaching your goals, or you want to eat your favorite foods with zero guilt.

Creating HEALTHY habits & BALANCE is my specialty.

Here's how we can work together!

Here's how we can

1:1 Coaching

The membership is for busy, career driven women, mamas, entrepreneurs, and women who want to lose weight, get stronger, and love their body through every season. You’ll have a consistent workout routine with a community, accountability, and support you’ve craved - at home or gym.

More Than Fitness

The membership is for busy, career driven women, mamas, entrepreneurs, and women who want to lose weight, get stronger, and love their body through every season. You’ll have a consistent workout routine with a community, accountability, and support you’ve craved - at home or gym.

More Than Fitness

Struggling with your nutrition and feeling restricted? Or maybe you're feeling crappy about yourself when you eat pizza and drink a glass of wine? Life doesn't have to be that way! I have the solution for you!

Macros isn't a diet. It's simply science based. Click below to learn more about macros, and how they can help you lose weight without feeling restricted from your favorite junk foods!

Mindful Macros for Food Balance

work together

let's hang out on the gram
